Drop us a line

Address Info

Box: 1693, Ruwi, Postal Code: 112, Sultanate of Oman

Business Hours

Sun – Thu: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Phone & Email

Click on the links below for contact details of the respective companies.

Technical Trading Company LLC

PO Box 1693, Ruwi, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel: +968 22033000 Fax: +968 24700010
E-mail: info@ttcoman.com www.ttcoman.com

Advanced Oilfield Technology Co. LLC

P.O.Box 223, Rusayl, P.C.124, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 22005121 Fax: +968 22005122

E-mail: fab@aotcglobal.com / info@aotcglobal.com


Al Mansoor International LLC

PO Box 1405, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24480941 / 24481024 Fax: +968 24791261

E-mail: info@amioman.com www.amioman.com

Hi-Tech Inspection Services LLC

PO Box 1809, Ruwi, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24501134/24591212/24592220

Fax: +968 24501132

E-mail: hitis@omantel.net.om www.hitechinspection.net

International Drilling Technology LLC

PO Box 1278, PC 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24590103 Fax: +968 24590163

E-mail: info@idtecoman.com www.idtechoman.com

Oryx Metal Industries LLC

P.O.Box 104, Falaj Al Qabail, P.C.322

Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24593000 Fax: +968 24591666

E-mail: info@oryxmetal.com www.oryxmetal.com

Wildcat & Al Sulaimi Energy Services LLC

PO Box1693, PC112, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24475339 Fax: +968 24475338

E-mail: info@wals-energy.com www.wals-energy.com

Qurum Technical Company LLC

P O BOX 4092, Riyadh 11491

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tel Off : +966-1-4511722 , Fax : +966-1-4510205

Email : info@qurumtech.com www.qurumtech.com

Tech International LLC

P.O. Box : 3390

Dubai, UAE

Tel: 9714 2694989 Fax: 9714 2692381

Email: info@tidubai.com www.tidubai.com

Muscat Water LLC

P.O. Box: 1693, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24700070 Fax: +968 24790271

E-mail: info@al-sulaimi.com www.al-sulaimi.com

SJ Abed & Al Sulaimi Catering Group LLC

PO Box 1693, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24700070 Fax: +968 24790271

E-mail: info@al-sulaimi.com www.al-sulaimi.com

Al Sulaimi Group Holding

PO Box 1693, Ruwi, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24700070 Fax: +968 24790271

E-mail: info@al-sulaimi.com www.al-sulaimi.com